<b>History:</> The English Foxhound is a descendent of ancient British hunting hounds. Stud books have been carefully kept by the British Masters of Foxhounds Association since at least 1800. Used in packs to chase fox with hunters on horseback, the Foxhound has impressive stamina and a good nose. He can run steadily for hours at a time. The English Foxhound is a bit stockier and slower than the American Foxhound, but has a similar personality. This breed is still primarily a pack hunting dog, though show lines can make good companions if given sufficient exercise.
<b>Description:</> An elegant, clean-cut, athletic hound, with a long muzzle. The neck is long and the hindquarters very strong. The legs are absolutely straight, with round, cat-like feet. The short, hard, easy-care coat is usually tri-color(black, white and tan), however, color is not an important feature. The brown eyes are large, with a gentle expression, and the ears are pendant. The tail is held up gaily.
<b>Notes:</> This is very healthy breed. Choose a show line puppy if you are looking for a pet, as field types are extremely active. Needs extensive daily running to be happy. Can become destructive if confined too much. May take off after any interesting scent--do not let off leash unless in a safe place. Does quite well with other animals. Proven hunting hounds often have the bottom edge of their ears rounded (shortened) to avoid nicks and tears during the hunt.
<b>Personality:</> Very active. A bold and passionate hunter. Friendly. Responsive and obedient to his master, but training takes patience. Prefers the company of other dogs.
<C>Children:</C> Excellent with children.
<C>Friendliness:</C> Fairly friendly with strangers.
<C>Trainability:</C> Slightly difficult to train.
<C>Independence:</C> Needs people a lot.
<C>Dominance:</C> Low.
<C>Other Pets:</C> Generally good with other dogs; do not trust with non-canine pets.
<C>Combativeness:</C> Not generally dog-aggressive.
<C>Noise:</C> Likes to bay.
<b>Grooming and Physical Needs:</>
<C>Grooming:</C> Very little grooming needed.
<C>Trimming & Stripping:</C> No trimming or stripping needed.
<C>Coat:</C> Short coat.
<C>Shedding:</C> Average shedder.
<C>Exercise:</C> Needs lots of exercise.
<C>Jogging:</C> An excellent jogging companion.
<C>Indoors:</C> Very active indoors.
<C>Apartments:</C> Not recommended for apartments.
<C>Outdoor Space:</C> Best with acreage.
<C>Climate:</C> Does well in most climates.
<C>Owner:</C> Not recommended for novice owners.
<C>Longevity:</C> Short (under 10 years).
<b>Talents:</> hunting, tracking, watchdog, and agility.
<b>For More Information:</>
Call the AKC Breeder Referral Hotline: 1-900-407-PUPS for the name of a breeder referral representative in your area. Cost is 99 cents per minute.
<b>Photo Caption:</> ENGLISH FOXHOUND
Photo copyright: Cook PhoDOGraphy 1995. All rights reserved.